What we do

We start small student committees at strategic universities. Each runs two to three events per term.

Each event consists of:

Great speakers

Delicious dinner

Group discussion

We aim to work closely with other university organisations, especially UCCF and Just Love and are working to formalise our relationships with both organisations. 

We also speak at student churches and operate a mentoring network. 

Our Universities


Our Oxford group is launching in October, when we will begin to build up our committee.


Our Cambridge group launched in 2022 and the committee will be running events each term.


We launched in Durham in March and will be running events each term.

We have two students on the committee and are actively searching for one or two more.


We are hoping to launch in London soon so check back here for more details.

our mission

Empowering students to maximise the impact of their careers for Jesus and His Kingdom in four key ways:

Inspiring radical generosity

Regardless of career route, all of us are called to be radically generous in response to God’s radical generosity. Like the early Macedonian Christians, we seek to give even beyond our means.

Raising up gospel patrons who earn to give

For some of us, the biggest impact we can make in the secular space is through choosing a high earning career and using our earnings to fund the gospel.

Informing career choices

Our choice of career is one of the biggest decisions we’ll make, and matching our God-given gifts and calling to the right career route can multiply our impact thirty, sixty or a hundred times.

Focusing on impact and effectiveness

Jesus wants us to use our talents wisely and to be good stewards of the resources he has entrusted us with. Impact and effectiveness mean deploying our limited resources for the maximum kingdom impact.

Contact us

Interested in setting up a Fruitful work group? Or got a question?

Use the form below, or email hello@fruitfulwork.org