Maximise your career impact for Jesus

Maximise your career IMPACT FOR JESUS

our strategies

Inspiring radical generosity

Informing career choices

Focusing on impact and effectiveness

Raising up gospel patrons who earn to give

THOSE WHO abide in me and i in them bear much fruit

John 15:5


We run events in strategic universities through our student-led committees





London events (Coming soon)

Imagine a world where a generation of graduates dedicated their careers to making the biggest possible impact for God's Kingdom.

Previous generations did their part: Wilberforce championed the fight against slavery, Wesley sparked revival, and Laing invested millions into the gospel.

Now will we? Our dream is for every Christian to embrace Jesus’ call to “bear much fruit” (John 15:8). Will you join the next generation of Wesleys, Laings, and Wilberforces - and help transform the world for Jesus?


Lifetime earnings of each year group of Christians in a top UK university.


of Christians graduate from top UK universities each year


Aged seventeen, Olly was confused. He was passionate about people meeting Jesus, yet felt God had gifted him with skills for business. So Olly sought advice from his mentor - who told him “read the bible, no one works in business to fund Christian ministry. The real heroes are evangelists like Paul,”.

Shortly after, Olly learned this was false. He was invited along to an event exploring gospel patronage. This was filled with business people sacrificially serving Jesus.

Fast forward 3 years, the idea of God using his secular career to serve God lay dormant. Then, at a Christian festival, Olly heard a speaker speak on radical generosity. Through this, God made it clear. Others too must be confused about money and secular careers.

Olly chatted this through with some like-minded friends. They all felt that they should run events exploring using careers to serve God with their money, time and expertise. So two years ago, Fruitful Work Cambridge was born.

Today, they’ve all graduated. The Cambridge committee is in its third generation. Olly felt called to sacrifice his prospects in the City to launch Fruitful Work in universities across the country. Our team of 10 is excited to help inspire a generation to go all-in to impact the world for Jesus.

Inspiring radical generosity

Due to its accessibility and potential, we have a special focus on gospel patronage. We believe the biggest impact many of us can make is to pursue a high earning career and use our earnings to fund the Gospel.

Raising up gospel patrons who earn to give

All of us are called to be radically generous in response to God’s radical generosity. God has given everything to us, and just like the widow at the temple, we should give everything back to Him.

Informing career choices

We believe that the right choice of career can lead to a multiplication of kingdom impact. The three routes we emphasise are gospel patronage, full-time ministry, and leadership in ‘discipleship influencing’ fields. 

Focusing on impact and effectiveness

We believe Jesus wants us to use our talents wisely and to be good stewards of His resources. By ‘effectiveness’ we mean wisely deploying our limited resources for the maximum kingdom impact.


Olly Perkins - Co-Founder

Ed Michaelson - Co-Founder

John Brown - Co-Founder

Asher Dunnet - Co-founder and treasurer

Julia Catanoi - Head of Digital Media

Jacob Böhm - London Coordinator


David Sleeman - Cambridge President

Brett McDowell - Durham President

Ian Carroll - Cambridge Events Coordinator

Alasdair Hopwood - Durham Committee

Nanya Molokwu - Cambridge Publicity Officer

the board

Good governance is foundational to an impactful organisation, so we are in the process of prayerfully discerning who should be on our governing board and advisory council.


We believe the entire body of Christ has a part to play in God’s plan of redeeming the world. So we’re actively seeking partnerships with other organisations. We’ve run events across a number of universities with UCCF and Just Love and are working to formalise our relationships with both organisations.